Hello There, Welcome To My Page!

My name is David Pastrana, and I am a professional illustrator and graphic artist. I’ve created Pastrana’s art with the purpose of offering original collectable illustrations based on personally developed character concepts.

All art is original and hand rendered unless clearly marked as a print. I hope that you enjoy the art contained in this online gallery and hopefully, purchase one or two pieces.

Illustrations divided by Series

In the gallery you will notice that the Illustrations are divided into series. The series are based on individual themes such as fictional goddesses, robot knights vs. dragons, history based, etc. You can buy one separately, start your own theme based collection or mix and match to your liking.

About Iterations/versions

I do various Iterations of some pieces, either to expand on or improve upon it. I try new techniques, insert cool details, add more characters, try out different color combinations, etc. Though the drawings may be similar, no one piece is exactly the same. The version number is noted by a V# at the end of the title. For example, V3 means version #3.

So,  If there is a piece that you would like for your collection but has already been sold, you can wait to see if a new iteration is made or request one from me via email or social media message!


Rights for reproductions of original art are solely that of the artist (David Pastrana) and all copyright laws apply (including commissions). These Illustrations and characters have been registered with the U.S. Copyright office.


David Pastrana

Latest Paintings​

A sample of my newest pieces. To see them by organized by series please visit the gallery section.